FDC's website lists the Statewide Telephone Hours as:
Monday 8am - 11pm EST
Tuesday 8am - 11pm EST
Wednesday 8am - 11pm ES
Thursday 8am - 11pm EST
Friday 8am - 1am EST
Saturday 8am - 1am EST
Sunday 8am - 11pm EST
The day before any state-observed holiday 8am - 1am EST
For state-observed holidays falling on Monday through Thursday (except Thanksgiving) 8am - 11pm EST
Here is a link to FDC's website where this information is listed: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ci/ContactInmate.html
While the warden may be able to modify the phone hours per the rule, this is very limited and something we are tracking and addressing with Tallahassee so be sure to submit a prison concern help ticket on the yellow banner on the top of our website or using this link: Florida Cares Prison Concern Help Ticket