Hernando CI Degree solid stick deodorant donations needed

Thank you to Kimberly White for finding out that indigent men at Hernando CI are in need of deodorant and the warden is willing to accept donations. Here's how we can help...

Please click the underline in this sentence for the FDC Donation Form

Here's how to complete the form

Facility:  Hernando CI

Donor Name:  Insert your name

Ministry/Organization:  Leave blank

Address:  Insert your address

Phone Number:  Insert your phone number

Reason for donation:  Indigent Prisoner Project

Donation Description:  _________________________

Expected Date of Delivery:  Insert the date or time frame you think the delivery will occur.

Delivery Method:

Insert either "in person before visitation" or via Amazon or whatever delivery method you are wanting to use.

Sign and date the form

Email the completed signed form to:  winfred.warren@fdc.myflorida.com

Once you receive back the form approved by the institution, then proceed with purchasing the items and follow the delivery method you stated on the form.


Updated 10/27/22